4 thoughts on “Sunday May 03 2020 – Sermon

  1. Fr. Tim-
    Just read your homily from last week about the Good Shepherd!
    Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you for speaking out and wanting to model our Savior. You already do model Him!
    I’m sure you have been wearing out the floor and your knees for your flock and all God’s Church.
    Thank you for the post card “thank you”. Pete Ogden shared a photo of the altar rail – it’s beautiful.
    Hope to see you soon as you give us the Bread of Life.
    Michele O’Brien

    • Dear Michelle,
      I look forward to seeing everyone back in the pews! I think God will take care of us if we are faithful to Him! The bishop has given us the “GO” on the weekend of May 24th.

  2. Fr. Tim. Thank you for posting your sermon. I have missed listening to you words. They always seem to be exaxtly what I need to hear.

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